The Hopeful


Thou, dig me till my crest

To scoop out

The secrets hidden in my abyss


Thou, dig me till my crest

To feel 

The pain of my wounded soul


Thou, dig me till my crest

To know

The messages the present carries for my future

The autumn of my yesterday’s memories…

The winter of my today’s discontent…

The summer of my better tomorrows…

The spring of my hopeful prospects…


Thou, dig me till my crest

To find out

My unknown fears

The tears veiled behind my smile

My abandoned desires

Forgotten dreams


Thou, dig me till my crest

To listen

To the beats of my injured heart

The tales of my woes

The songs of my wailing soul


Thou, dig me till my crest

To realise

The nudity of my thoughts

The purity of my intentions


Thou, dig me till my crest


Rescue me

From where I am being marooned


Until then,

Let me,

Segregate the tiny joys

Even from the sorrows 

Amass, Embellish and admire all


Devote all my prayers for your safe journey

To the shores,

Of my forgotten and forsaken isle


The blind

You lent me your ears

I gave you my words

I gave you my poems

I gave you my secrets

I gave you my worries

I gave you the music of my soul

You forgot me

And, I lost myself forever


You gave me your time

I gave you my love

I gave you my lust

I gave you my pains

I gave you my desires

I gave you my dreams

You forgot me

And I lost myself forever


You gave me promises

I gave you my trust

I gave you my tears

I gave you my fears

I gave you my heart

I gave you my thoughts

You forgot me

And I lost myself forever


You gifted me moments

I gave you the bliss

I savoured your hunger

You touched my senses

You reached my depths

You gave me the happiness

You forgot me

And I lost myself forever


You rewarded me memories

I gave you everything

I gave you everything I own

I gave you everything I could


I want to give you more

You forgot me

And I lost myself forever


You became my soul

You became my songs

You became my words

You became my breath

You became my poetry

You became my silence

You forgot me

And I lost myself forever



I am sad

I am broken

I am lonely

I am in tears

I am in the gloom


I have my trust



I am hurt

I am in deep pain


I have my faith

Above all the virtues

I have my faith

Where I surrender my mind

I have my faith

Which is the substance of my hope