The wounded

Being in love

This pain is just mine

The unheard wails too

This await is just mine

The hurtful silence too


This tear is just mine

The infinite losses too

This breath is just mine

The dying heartbeats too


This song is just mine

The buried words too

This verse is just mine

The echoing melody too


This wept is just mine

The growing desire too

This moment is just mine

The worthless existence too


This wound is just mine

The aching memories too

This endurance is just mine

The meaningless survival too


This life is just mine

The awful loneliness too

This endless love is just mine

Forever mine and mine forever



You willfully abandoned me

Without any regrets of being brutal in love

And I died innumerous times before I died virtually


An end


You forgot to love me

You forgot to evoke me

You forgot to care for me

You forgot to return my love

You forgot to ardor my traces



You forgot to feel my pain

You forgot to read my words 

You forgot to absorb my fears

You forgot to relate my thoughts

You forgot to recognize my songs



You forgot to notice my tears

You forgot to know my desires

You forgot to sense my feelings

You forgot to foresee my destiny

You forgot to see my broken heart



You forgot to touch my spirit

You forgot to regard my needs

You forgot to reach my depths

You forgot to perceive my notions

You forgot to bother my happiness



You forgot to hear me

You forgot to remember me

You forgot to notice my cries

You forgot to fondle my memories 

You forgot the routes to my manor



You forgot to express your wants 

You forgot to caress our moments 

You forgot to convey your affection

You forgot to think about my passions 

You forgot to reciprocate to my love for you



God too forgot to hear my moans 

God too forgot to heal my wounds

God too forgot to harbor my weeps

God too forgot to count my teardrops

God too forgot to embrace my pierced soul     



I too forgot to forget to my hurts

I too forgot to foster my lust for life

I too forgot to remember my existence

I too forgot to reckon the stones thrown at me

I too forgot to hold my life back, everything ends